‘Top care is top sport’
Gino Kerkhoffs has an allround vision thanks to his experience as an orthopaedic surgeon, researcher, but also as a manager and head of a department. He is happy to share his vision on all of these aspects and what he has learned from those different perspectives. For example, what is involved in working in a team and what are the secrets of a long-term good collaboration. And how does all the effort yield in even better care?
Topics on which prof. dr Gino Kerkhoffs has lectured and for which you can count on his expertise:
- Sports injuries lower extremity
- Osteoarthritis after sports career
- Mental health & sports injuries
- Ankle injuries
- Ankle osteoarthritis
- Achilles tendon injuries
- Muscle injuries
- Ankle cartilage injuries
- (Stress) fractures in athletes
- What makes a GREAT team
- Department management, no 9-2-5 Job!